Where this leads us???
Y does no one ever loves each other? Y doesnt each think that others too are made up of the same blood n flesh, heart and feel??? Y is this hatred building up and never ever they try to solve that permanently by peaceful way? Dont they realise that pain is for all?? Is that the ferocity is due to the anger or jus to show off that they too eligble and to create a political banner??
DAMNNNNNN!!!! alll. This boiling rage is within all,but nothing can be made to stop it unless n untill those who r involved in this realise the pains of the victims who are somehow their own kind. Also the most paining is that, the people who r and who have the powers to stop or reduce this, dows encourage this rather that stoping because they themself has the fear and also knew that someday or the other they might be a victim of their own violence or they might be an emd to their own start.
Once again DAMN all. The reason for this is that, leaving those who r involved in this, but thinking of those who becoming the victims who r noway connected,but does lose their life or whatever just for being innocent!!! What have they commited to be a victim and doesnt that again cause to root or bud the rage of violence or revenge in young bloods??? Is this what our civilisation, ethic or epic taught n still teaches us???Might be a wrong question at this juncture. Arent they not aware or not afraid that their own deeds might reflect back to themselves or their wife or parents or their children or their loved ones, in more magnified form......
DAMNNNNNN!!!! alll. This boiling rage is within all,but nothing can be made to stop it unless n untill those who r involved in this realise the pains of the victims who are somehow their own kind. Also the most paining is that, the people who r and who have the powers to stop or reduce this, dows encourage this rather that stoping because they themself has the fear and also knew that someday or the other they might be a victim of their own violence or they might be an emd to their own start.
Once again DAMN all. The reason for this is that, leaving those who r involved in this, but thinking of those who becoming the victims who r noway connected,but does lose their life or whatever just for being innocent!!! What have they commited to be a victim and doesnt that again cause to root or bud the rage of violence or revenge in young bloods??? Is this what our civilisation, ethic or epic taught n still teaches us???Might be a wrong question at this juncture. Arent they not aware or not afraid that their own deeds might reflect back to themselves or their wife or parents or their children or their loved ones, in more magnified form......
Some must stop this and who is that some. There must be one good leader and good teacher whom must the people n pupil follow respectively. Are we lagging in leaders n teachers who are good enough? Certainly not, but it is the contanimation either in the field of their work or their fellow n co-workers or the constraint atmosphere awaiting them just for being and working for good n welfare of a not a sinlge human but to every single living!!!
Living barbarians are nowhere else but here. All those who enjoy and smile because that someone else is suffering either by because of them or might be by someone or by time(fate). Its becoming like, People who think a lot rarely work and people who work a lot rarely think. THINK before u WORK and Think again for betterment for not alone u.
Inspite of having numerous examples of souls who had just lived for others and died for others, we have been increasing violence and hatred as the days passed by. Religion, Region, Politics, Sects are not those for which one should act violently but for a real valid reason and that too only when u c a peaceful path overhead. Sword or a bullet is not the remedy to punish one's mistake, it is enough that words of others, inner conscience and the inner pain is enough and is equaivalent or even more than that merely killing them.
lease stop atleast for the sake of children and young budding lives which should become the pillars of ur family and our country and not devastators n traitors.
Let this SMILE last forever n ever. This group might contain kids from hindu, muslim or even chrishtian, it might also consist kids of urs or ur loved ones or ur neighbours or ur enimies but all are human and please stop all these violence atleast for these buds who wish and shud grow up in peace n smilez and not in tears n fears.

Take it granted that they belong to a religion of Love and all are protected by the affections of their loved ones....
Donot thrash their HOPES even if u r not building it up...
Let all these get over with ur generation and put a stop from the hydra headed monster traversing to the next generation...
Living barbarians are nowhere else but here. All those who enjoy and smile because that someone else is suffering either by because of them or might be by someone or by time(fate). Its becoming like, People who think a lot rarely work and people who work a lot rarely think. THINK before u WORK and Think again for betterment for not alone u.
Inspite of having numerous examples of souls who had just lived for others and died for others, we have been increasing violence and hatred as the days passed by. Religion, Region, Politics, Sects are not those for which one should act violently but for a real valid reason and that too only when u c a peaceful path overhead. Sword or a bullet is not the remedy to punish one's mistake, it is enough that words of others, inner conscience and the inner pain is enough and is equaivalent or even more than that merely killing them.

Let this SMILE last forever n ever. This group might contain kids from hindu, muslim or even chrishtian, it might also consist kids of urs or ur loved ones or ur neighbours or ur enimies but all are human and please stop all these violence atleast for these buds who wish and shud grow up in peace n smilez and not in tears n fears.

Donot thrash their HOPES even if u r not building it up...
Let all these get over with ur generation and put a stop from the hydra headed monster traversing to the next generation...
dhusta sagavaasam praana sangatam da. once a person gets in to the circle of vengence it is difficult to come out of it unhurt. This is not an ideal world of love and peace. :(
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