visit to HCL...
One of the greatest happinezz apart from lonlinezz(hehehehe) is making fun and getting others into trouble some way but nothing which has a serious consequence(an enjoyable one...). In that way, just as a deal to visit my bro's company for a book which my brother needed(might be darely) for his weekend eXam. And as always the passion to improve knowledge from any and every source of my brother, is unfortunately(jus kidding) incubated in his blood might be even before his birth. A commited tummy fellow(previously...a bit now), working smart n hard to achieve whatever he is commited to. Lemme come back, this fellow asked me to come to his office reception where i met an young lady inthe front office. As usual my presence there was questioned and i had to explain them and all normal formalities. She had a cute smile with an teeth alignment not in the order way, but still that even added up to her cuteness.
I had been watching one door for my bro's arrival but i then realised that i was looking at the wrong door as the young lady indicated me that my bro would come from upstairs. Then came the hero inspite of his busy schedule(to make it formally as always), but was really busy,phone calls ringing, message popping out and what not. I had been observing his shipshape desk, the table top and the things over there arraged orderely was eye catching. Birthday cards, vivekanadhar, write up of "manadhil urudhi vendum..."(and more than that listening to him say that), cute baby from his team mate pisasu(im sorry he mentioned her that way..i rarely remember that her name starts with 'S*'), head fone, mouse plugged in the front usb jacket, a couple of his nameboard(happy n proud to c those..dunno Y), tiffin dabbi, and his visiting cards stuffed to a corner(from which i stole 2 out of knowledge only) and many more(i have a bad memory to remember all). I just stood up, just to have a look at what others are doing becoz i stil have this unfelt curiosity of bein in an working atmosphere which i might be in a few months. Some sitting n staring at their monitor, as if expecting something to get done of its own and some in groups probably discussing something which must be useful but not for nuthing which i believe so and many unoccupied chairs layin vacantly before computers(ooops that was snacks time). Then sat down before my brother could pull me down, and started to stare at the monitor which looked as though it has been freezed by someone during its work, waiting for the sole person to unfreeze it.
Then we left to the so called pantry after a long walk on the corridors of his company building and found nothing there came out with heavy heart and empty stomach, and then while climbing up the stairs, he got a call, where he was talking something seriously with a tight smile and mainly i knew for the first time he knew baradha naatiyam and made it very simple that he did that frees how for me with one of his hands closing one ear, neat pants with heavy pockets and dacing(allow me to use that term) within foru relaitvely bigger than smaller square sized tile or marble watever.Nice to watch but same step being repeated created a bit sensation as though the chemical chloroform is brought somewhere near, but suddenly it was taken away from me, becoz he had finished the call before i could collapse. Then he was taking me to the pantry in his own floor. I was following him closly with my head turning either side, as though there had been a badmintom match played before me, to watch what the owners of the occupied seats are doing. I was taken near the emergency exit, which created a sense of feeling as though i would be thrown out by my brother for my innocent behaviour there, as always(wat to do..i cudn hide the facts abt me). Then was a refrigerator with some cool drinks and a couple kept half drunk. I helped myself with a ful bottle of slice(.2 l) and he too had the same. And due to my brothers sincere request, i felt for the first time, he might be busy and accepted to leave. Took his camera and left the computer arena packed with cubes, computers, caris and techies.
I have been tellin u this becoz this is my visit to a second biggie in IT field. First was microsoft which was awesome, huge thing(wil tell u abt that secretly in another blog...shhhhhhhhhhh). Next is this one. Hmmm better environment to ensssaay n work.
I had been watching one door for my bro's arrival but i then realised that i was looking at the wrong door as the young lady indicated me that my bro would come from upstairs. Then came the hero inspite of his busy schedule(to make it formally as always), but was really busy,phone calls ringing, message popping out and what not. I had been observing his shipshape desk, the table top and the things over there arraged orderely was eye catching. Birthday cards, vivekanadhar, write up of "manadhil urudhi vendum..."(and more than that listening to him say that), cute baby from his team mate pisasu(im sorry he mentioned her that way..i rarely remember that her name starts with 'S*'), head fone, mouse plugged in the front usb jacket, a couple of his nameboard(happy n proud to c those..dunno Y), tiffin dabbi, and his visiting cards stuffed to a corner(from which i stole 2 out of knowledge only) and many more(i have a bad memory to remember all). I just stood up, just to have a look at what others are doing becoz i stil have this unfelt curiosity of bein in an working atmosphere which i might be in a few months. Some sitting n staring at their monitor, as if expecting something to get done of its own and some in groups probably discussing something which must be useful but not for nuthing which i believe so and many unoccupied chairs layin vacantly before computers(ooops that was snacks time). Then sat down before my brother could pull me down, and started to stare at the monitor which looked as though it has been freezed by someone during its work, waiting for the sole person to unfreeze it.
Then we left to the so called pantry after a long walk on the corridors of his company building and found nothing there came out with heavy heart and empty stomach, and then while climbing up the stairs, he got a call, where he was talking something seriously with a tight smile and mainly i knew for the first time he knew baradha naatiyam and made it very simple that he did that frees how for me with one of his hands closing one ear, neat pants with heavy pockets and dacing(allow me to use that term) within foru relaitvely bigger than smaller square sized tile or marble watever.Nice to watch but same step being repeated created a bit sensation as though the chemical chloroform is brought somewhere near, but suddenly it was taken away from me, becoz he had finished the call before i could collapse. Then he was taking me to the pantry in his own floor. I was following him closly with my head turning either side, as though there had been a badmintom match played before me, to watch what the owners of the occupied seats are doing. I was taken near the emergency exit, which created a sense of feeling as though i would be thrown out by my brother for my innocent behaviour there, as always(wat to do..i cudn hide the facts abt me). Then was a refrigerator with some cool drinks and a couple kept half drunk. I helped myself with a ful bottle of slice(.2 l) and he too had the same. And due to my brothers sincere request, i felt for the first time, he might be busy and accepted to leave. Took his camera and left the computer arena packed with cubes, computers, caris and techies.
I have been tellin u this becoz this is my visit to a second biggie in IT field. First was microsoft which was awesome, huge thing(wil tell u abt that secretly in another blog...shhhhhhhhhhh). Next is this one. Hmmm better environment to ensssaay n work.
Firstly my best wishes for ur new WEBSITE...
waitin to see somethin diff there...
MICROSOFT...HCL..Visited d gaint companies, wld hav had a great thrill...
den after few months WIPRO...
Me too want to visit!!!
thnx for ur wishes...
yeah great experience...
Very proud to have a pal capable of sneaking into HCL n Microsoft...and eager to get my own cabin n workstation after u described ur bro's cabin.....
An if at all u find time plz explain tha lines 4th to 10th in ur 3rd para
all the best and waiting to c all as a professional employees.
and i regret for the fact, for not makin those lines clearer due to a couple of spell mistakes.
idha saaka vechu, receptionista sight adichurukkiya ;-) seri vidu.. Yeah the office which u came was a single block building. My previous premises was nice and had lawns and what not... enjoy ur workplace and it will be gr8 expereince.
yeah da...
i even enjoyed ur workplace and i will ensaay all until i get into one and start enjoyin n luvin mine...
anyway hopes in cubes...
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