Growing old is a *%*b0ON*%* or a #@#d0OM#@#
Amidst this violent and hatred loving world with a very few hearts caring for
other souls, what would GOD(the creator, protector & the destroyer) be doing. All the souls being harvested into this world are cute and sweet, before and once after they step into this world. The best part of God's production is the mechanism of childhood to second childhood. One soul being loved by all is the soul of every baby. It is being loved and loved by anyone and everyone. And the best stage of anyone's life is that, that period of dur
ation where one sees everything with a look of exitement and thrill and a quest to feel that. To this aged we tend to forget ourself and we too behave like kids. So the above statement has been a discovery of the innocence and chilidishness among everyone. But all these get faded once we grow mentally.

Becoming older makes us weaker by exposing us to various constraints and circumstances. Winning over it and the happiness in that is different but what im dealing is life which needs no neccessity to undergo such hardships for learning life itself. Growing more older makes us mature n partly lunatic. As we cannot expect everyone to excel every situation, but every bud is the same but how long they last n survive depends on their situation.
We cry for no reason and we become numb for most reason.The former is the childhood and the latter is all other than childhood. We dont worry for others and be straight forward and latter is we stop worrying for ourself and our fellow being and start to worry for those who make us worry.
The trade-o
ff here is the Innocence for intelligence,knowledge and name it whatever u feel like. Is it neccessary that we must grow old, but what to do, i still grow even the time i pray god not to make me old(old in sense, every sec one is losing his/her innocence).
But there is one pleasure in this is that, we are able to feel the innocence only when we grew older. But we rather brush up those innocence of ours and comfort ourself by those memories. Words, deeds and actions have more magnified meaning once we grow old. So we are here capable of changing many things. The power to make anyone smile,think,cry,work,care,console is within us. And also the power to change anybodys lifestyle.
So i felt like asking n sharing whether it is a boon or is this our doom???Whatever it may be, its only we gonna live that, with all our confidence and hope and faith of many. Next thing great to innocence is the self-satisfaction. So donot anything for namesake. Do everything for the sake of it and U as a human and the amount of self satisfaction u gain out of that is noway comparable to anything in this world.
When Money is lost, nothing is lost;
When Health is lost, something is lost.
When Character is lost EVERYTHING is lost.(Gandhiji)

Becoming older makes us weaker by exposing us to various constraints and circumstances. Winning over it and the happiness in that is different but what im dealing is life which needs no neccessity to undergo such hardships for learning life itself. Growing more older makes us mature n partly lunatic. As we cannot expect everyone to excel every situation, but every bud is the same but how long they last n survive depends on their situation.
We cry for no reason and we become numb for most reason.The former is the childhood and the latter is all other than childhood. We dont worry for others and be straight forward and latter is we stop worrying for ourself and our fellow being and start to worry for those who make us worry.
The trade-o

But there is one pleasure in this is that, we are able to feel the innocence only when we grew older. But we rather brush up those innocence of ours and comfort ourself by those memories. Words, deeds and actions have more magnified meaning once we grow old. So we are here capable of changing many things. The power to make anyone smile,think,cry,work,care,console is within us. And also the power to change anybodys lifestyle.
So i felt like asking n sharing whether it is a boon or is this our doom???Whatever it may be, its only we gonna live that, with all our confidence and hope and faith of many. Next thing great to innocence is the self-satisfaction. So donot anything for namesake. Do everything for the sake of it and U as a human and the amount of self satisfaction u gain out of that is noway comparable to anything in this world.
When Money is lost, nothing is lost;
When Health is lost, something is lost.
When Character is lost EVERYTHING is lost.(Gandhiji)
We never try to realize tht v were innocent once...
Growin old is netheir a boon nor a doom always...A perfect conclusion can never b given... It seems to b boon sometimes n doom d other times...
Watever it is it is our life tht is blended with few others surroundin us, v need to fightback,learn,love,care n b selfless if not for us , but for others...
All these anyway leads oly to our own internal true happiness n satisfaction!!!
kaalam pon ponradhu. Use it wisely instead of thinking whether u should grow old or return to babys' day out.
jus felt n sop blogged
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