Going back 2 [s]cool days.....
There goes the four...winning shot from Irfan Pathan and takin India to victory. Young chap SK.Raina played a key role by hittin 81*(89b) led india to victory on a
dead pitch on which ball never comes onto the bat, and where all other major batsmen failed, SK Raina played the winning role when India was on a crucial state 92/5. Sk Raina along with the Dhamaka master MS Dhoni took india onto a 2-0 lead over England with SK Raina declared the Man of the match for an outstanding performance. With that the highlights of the previous day match got over in that channel...with many thoughts scrappin my memory about the present indian team, where some one is ready to stand up n deliver that innings for the victory n not really relying on one particular hand either to do with the bat or with the ball and where is the bengal tiger crouchin...how can one take him out from the team....
Later hastily placin myself onto the chair facin the only device which many times does wat i say and sometimes does what i dusnt say...Switchin on both the monitor and the main power of my computer, i was starin the monitor for it to get loaded and atlast all the loading process finally got over with a roarin sound indicating the boot up.
Then was on my way to write a blog regarding "Where we go" which was the tentaive topic given to that blog, and that went for some time. Sometime later when the blog was ready with the write up, yet to do somethin with the formattin, suddenly the screen went blank, fans started to slow down without a notice and all other electrical equipment went silent as if they were sleeping suddenly...then realised that current went off and hurriedly turning back to my monitor and realising that a great effort in writing that blog which every human being needs to think off abt their presence is gone.there sank a heart for its work being lost without being published...Current came but there is noway that those powerful letters can be brought back...with a heavy heart, the distance between the two lids starts to decrease and off to sleep.
With many distinct n new dreams where im playin a part in that, someone lifted me high above the world of imaginations and brought me back to this small world of reality.Then i realised it was none other than my conscience. Then got a reminder in my mind that i need to pick my mother from school by 7pm. Today is the day of convocation for the UKG(upper kinder garden) kids, where my mother stood as a class teacher for one band of kids. With all these things in my mind i was driving on my bike all the way to her school which incidentally is my school too(where i did my Higher education). Parkin my bike on the gap available, placed my foot on the gates of my school.
There came a heavy breeze took everythin inside me leavin nuthin else except the traces of my school days happenings. With these things happening i was moving unknowingly, passin the security guard and now standin near the god Vinayak. I became a spectator of mine, since all these r happening by its own, as though my body n mind has been taken over by some automatic control. Sliding through the croud, reached the real big chunk of kids wearing Yellow gown with a Hat and a certificate in their hands, proudly walkin, dancing and some sittin idle by the orders of their class teachers. where does all these innocence go. By lookin at all these, this creates a sense of hatred towards TIME, which has made evryone to grow old, lose their innocence n childishness n the age where one doesnt know what is ego, jealous, hatred, vengeance,distrust etc. Walkin with that certificate after achieving many milestones leaving loads of happiness on each of their parents n class teachers face. Why is gettin faded as years roll over. TiMe teaches u knowledge, but do we have to learn that knowledge, some by pledging their innocence and some by selling out the innocence. Is this knowledge is gained to become more sensitive, short tempered, selfish, jealous, to develop hatred among us, tryin to push all other for one to come up....Is it so neccessary to lose all these jus for knowledge, but can we do to that, nuthin can be done because, THIS IS THE WAY OF LIFE and all we need to do is that travel on that way as smoothly n safely as v can.
School is the only place where we laugh only when we are happy and we cry only when we r sad. Competition is the key there for the success. All sittin together, stealin n eatin others lunch durin intervals and eatin theirs durin the correct luch time, sharin is the other major thing in school life. Sharing is the unspelled MANTRA, from sharing ur food to sharing ur smiles n tears happens full heartedly only in school days. u love n hate someone for no big reasons and roaming in gangs is other major spectacle in schools. Bunking classes, Canteens becoming class rooms r things which dusnt happens in schools that easily but there are a few who does all these with utmost ease. Functions celeberated and fancy stories floatin all over the surface of the school, expectin the clouds to overwhelm the school with its water and what not...crowds becoming lesser as the number of stars starts to increase in its bluish black house...Roamin in this darkness with someone following me, who sometimes comes to my left and sometimes to my right placing his feet on the same place where i place mines. With silence prevailing in external world and still those thoughts lingering in my mind, as how years slided over without sayin even a word. Seasons of nature does come back after some gap but seasons of life like schools do come back only in dreams...thinkin of this, lemme to get back to my (s)cool days and forget this heavy world atleast for some hours till im pushed back into this world of preachin n no practising....
Let peace prevail evry where and lets pray for it, let atleast the cumin generation enjoy the best out of what ever they have with no stabbing others for
one's benefit....
Signing of from the world of reality... and ... Signing on to the world of dreamzzz
bye c u all there innocently [;-)....
There goes the four...winning shot from Irfan Pathan and takin India to victory. Young chap SK.Raina played a key role by hittin 81*(89b) led india to victory on a

Later hastily placin myself onto the chair facin the only device which many times does wat i say and sometimes does what i dusnt say...Switchin on both the monitor and the main power of my computer, i was starin the monitor for it to get loaded and atlast all the loading process finally got over with a roarin sound indicating the boot up.
Then was on my way to write a blog regarding "Where we go" which was the tentaive topic given to that blog, and that went for some time. Sometime later when the blog was ready with the write up, yet to do somethin with the formattin, suddenly the screen went blank, fans started to slow down without a notice and all other electrical equipment went silent as if they were sleeping suddenly...then realised that current went off and hurriedly turning back to my monitor and realising that a great effort in writing that blog which every human being needs to think off abt their presence is gone.there sank a heart for its work being lost without being published...Current came but there is noway that those powerful letters can be brought back...with a heavy heart, the distance between the two lids starts to decrease and off to sleep.
With many distinct n new dreams where im playin a part in that, someone lifted me high above the world of imaginations and brought me back to this small world of reality.Then i realised it was none other than my conscience. Then got a reminder in my mind that i need to pick my mother from school by 7pm. Today is the day of convocation for the UKG(upper kinder garden) kids, where my mother stood as a class teacher for one band of kids. With all these things in my mind i was driving on my bike all the way to her school which incidentally is my school too(where i did my Higher education). Parkin my bike on the gap available, placed my foot on the gates of my school.
There came a heavy breeze took everythin inside me leavin nuthin else except the traces of my school days happenings. With these things happening i was moving unknowingly, passin the security guard and now standin near the god Vinayak. I became a spectator of mine, since all these r happening by its own, as though my body n mind has been taken over by some automatic control. Sliding through the croud, reached the real big chunk of kids wearing Yellow gown with a Hat and a certificate in their hands, proudly walkin, dancing and some sittin idle by the orders of their class teachers. where does all these innocence go. By lookin at all these, this creates a sense of hatred towards TIME, which has made evryone to grow old, lose their innocence n childishness n the age where one doesnt know what is ego, jealous, hatred, vengeance,distrust etc. Walkin with that certificate after achieving many milestones leaving loads of happiness on each of their parents n class teachers face. Why is gettin faded as years roll over. TiMe teaches u knowledge, but do we have to learn that knowledge, some by pledging their innocence and some by selling out the innocence. Is this knowledge is gained to become more sensitive, short tempered, selfish, jealous, to develop hatred among us, tryin to push all other for one to come up....Is it so neccessary to lose all these jus for knowledge, but can we do to that, nuthin can be done because, THIS IS THE WAY OF LIFE and all we need to do is that travel on that way as smoothly n safely as v can.
School is the only place where we laugh only when we are happy and we cry only when we r sad. Competition is the key there for the success. All sittin together, stealin n eatin others lunch durin intervals and eatin theirs durin the correct luch time, sharin is the other major thing in school life. Sharing is the unspelled MANTRA, from sharing ur food to sharing ur smiles n tears happens full heartedly only in school days. u love n hate someone for no big reasons and roaming in gangs is other major spectacle in schools. Bunking classes, Canteens becoming class rooms r things which dusnt happens in schools that easily but there are a few who does all these with utmost ease. Functions celeberated and fancy stories floatin all over the surface of the school, expectin the clouds to overwhelm the school with its water and what not...crowds becoming lesser as the number of stars starts to increase in its bluish black house...Roamin in this darkness with someone following me, who sometimes comes to my left and sometimes to my right placing his feet on the same place where i place mines. With silence prevailing in external world and still those thoughts lingering in my mind, as how years slided over without sayin even a word. Seasons of nature does come back after some gap but seasons of life like schools do come back only in dreams...thinkin of this, lemme to get back to my (s)cool days and forget this heavy world atleast for some hours till im pushed back into this world of preachin n no practising....
Let peace prevail evry where and lets pray for it, let atleast the cumin generation enjoy the best out of what ever they have with no stabbing others for

Signing of from the world of reality... and ... Signing on to the world of dreamzzz
bye c u all there innocently [;-)....
hey this really shows that u r touched by yesterdays annual day progrm ...but i really go with what u have said.....innocence is lost when it comes to adults..anyway...it was really nice one....
thnx ma....it wasnt annual day function
it was convocation for UKG students...
hope u too heard that kirupanandhavaariyaar's speech...hope uwont forget that to....
kanna, romba time aachu da since i read a longggg post. It was a nice flow. Develop this and u can make this even more sublime. One suggestion though. Run a spell check. some spells hit on hte face.
One more. enable word verification for comments else u may get junk comments from spammers.
thnx da...i worth ur comment more than others da.and also can u temme wats that word verification for comments???
im happy dat u r able to visualise ur memories....
u r one of my best critics
goto the blogger dashboard. goto settings. give a title to ur blog first. then in settings itself select comments. Select word verification to yes in that.
nice one... makin me to think of my school days... innocence has gone!!! ya... rite.
gud work dude!!...describing every details of the moment is wat that makes ur post a readable one though long.
really very odd to think abt these days tht crumble our heart which was blooming in childhood...
at 1.24 a.m u made my heart bleed with retained innocence...hey when did i lost my innocence...
thnx da...
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