
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Whilst @ Bench...
White shades of the false ceiling fading out from the vision, eyes being dragged below by some deep thoughts, darkening of brisk evening happens to all like me while at bench.

General Definition of Bench from Wikipedia:
A bench is a long seat fit for several persons, with or without back and/or arm rests, for sitting indoor (often in rows) or outdoor (as in a park).

IT Industry definition of Bench from MYpedia:
A bench is an array of cushion seats with individual systems to sit with and monitors to stare at and with phones two per cubicle but with no work as such, paid with the same salary(for no work) with no hike till the next batch with a higher salary comes in.

People in bench will never know when they will be deployed into projects by their head and the head doesnt know when the requirement calls for the benchers.

"Two roads diverged in an yellow wood..." said Robert Frost but "All roads to IT firm converge into jobless Bench..." said Commitment(kalakkara) Chandru.

"A boy sitting with a pretty girl for an hour seems to be a minute.."said Albert Einstein but "A boy sitting for a whiteboard discussion with his head for a second seems to be a century" said Pura Pravin.

"Rain rain go away come again another day.." taught by our teachers in kindergarten "Guyz guyz go away come again another sunday" showed by the ______ in benchpool - by nai Shekar.

All the above said truth is just for fun. Please dont get offended by the truth being displayed under beam lights of Sutram(what walking? nadakardhu enna?)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Win & let Win

This three letter manthra is being perceived by everyone for anything and everything in their own way. Many work die hard not to let go off their attitude which ultimately leads to some sort of victory or anything closer to what they had fixed up. Some have this as an hobby and never give up their streak of being like this. But all these forms a closer circle of individual self alone.

Time has taken us to an extent that we need someone to pat on our back and say that, winning is not the only issue. The phrase Match winning performance deals very less with winning but dwells around the theme of performance, it is the performance of any individual which is compared to that of winning itself. Winning is not the final or ultimate goal of any domain of work, but its the inner satisfaction and contentment for which one must strive for.

But the topic here is not alone winning but helping others to climb up the ladder that one has climbed. But the present scenario in many reveals that Winning has become the second thing but letting others not to win has been a big issue.

The satisfaction one gets by lifting others up or letting him win, without getting himself affected(remember this, Thanaku minji dhaan Dhaanam) cannot be said, but has to be felt. If one starts enjoying the happiness in those, then one will never turn back for petty things.

Everyone must have the Drive to win in right way but not to win by stamping on others.

Punch Dialogues related to this topic:
Win & let Win to WIN
V win U win
We fly together to reach the Sky...(ahem [:-D)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Haste makes Waste

There went another week which never intimated its departure but sped even faster than to be felt. But certain important things in software industry has been learnt and its importance has been realised. The Structured way of doing things and the steps in doing so has reduced many steps of mental mess and stress.
Last week was a week of inability to concenterate on work but somehow managed to get somewhere closer to it. The question that rises here is not the matter of completion, but how do we complete and also completion with perfection. The question HOW deals with major aspects. This is where the individuality of every neuron is reflected. The lateral thinking, problem solving and importantly Stress handling are some of the keys which lead to a single door of success and satisfaction. Satisfaction here is the satisfaction of the self rather than others. In this process to succeed, one must succumb to utmost pressure so as to yield to the perfect shape.
But time and people have given me chance to take up a lesson from every speed breaker i come across, also the way to do things and also the ways not to do things(this must be in huge numbers for me :-D)...

Moral of this blog:
goto title of this blog(ahem..)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

PS3 hitting streets n SHOPS this Saturday

Hello Dudes n Dudettes, hot news hitting the headlines of most heads is that PS3 is getting released this Saturday. Even before PS2 n XBOX fades another has risen with heavy expectations. PS2 had its impact more than expected and stil surviving even after the competing XBOX from M* got its entry. Japan again setting up this milestone for the rest of the world.

European countries gonna have some hard time as it has post poned the production of PS3 till Marck 2k7.

Lets wait n check for the grand reviews and feedbacks of this yet another milestone.

Friday, November 03, 2006

TeaRs after CheeRs

Strange topic chosen in seconds time which made me to write this blog for minutes. It so happens that, we dunno why we meet some and why we become close but enjoy with them every moment if they are realy close to us. The life would be different after the arrival of the someone whom we would have met some how. But it so happens, if that someone leaves us, the time taken to digest that is huge and the pain is too.
Let me put a stop to this riddle. Yesterday was the day which went so calm and cool as ever, until a sudden blow in the afternoon which none of us expected and not even thought of......

Two Months before....

Joined the company with no big hopes and expectations. Started my first 3 weeks of training, learning and brushing up all that what i must know by that time. I was one in that big class of some 30, sitting in a corner and snoring most of the time, with a guy who comes with a doubt to me and goes with no answer. 2 weeks went in the same way as it started and the 3rd week also went as the other 2 weeks(lol). New mates, nice environment and excellent teacher, altogether a very cool time. Wrote the exam, cleared it and started the next level of training.

It was again an one month training. This is the time i got know about most of our batch mates. It was a perfect mixture that everyone of us was in the same frequency and none was odd man out. Fortunately we had a good Teaching staff who created an healthy interest in the subject. Every second that we spent together was unforgetable. A perfect group, which had many university rank holders too. Proud to have them as my friends. One month got over in no time. Once again the assessment which brought hot air under everyones nose. our previous batch was the best performed batch. What would be the performance of ours, was never a doubt. It so happened as expected that all of us cleared... :-) so happy na....

Back to Present day

All those smiles faded away the moment we were said that 15 from our batch should leave to bangalore for another domain of work. Everyones heart was in their mouth before they knew who is gonna move out of the city. Luckily everyone was given an option to take it up. People who had a zeal to that domain took it up, so its nothin that people are forced. Every one is very happy to get into that and i was too even though i hadnt taken it up, as that domain is not related to my field of study. But later in the evening, when thinking that al those who are leaving the city are my close friends, there sunk my heart. Im not so emotional to all these, but this seperation made me to feel that our set was one of the best set in my life and the time we were together would be the sweetest memories of each n every one of us.

I started n shared this with you after a long break in blogging. I wrote this blog as this would emphasize things happened these days and also i felt its worth writing abt my office friends....

Vandhaen Vandhaen Meendum naanae vandhaennn....

Hmmm...been so long to get back to this blogging. Successfully got into the company and luckily cleared 2 assessments. Im lacking in words, as this big pause has caused a mental and verbal starvation. Anyhow, will continue to bug u and also my rousu....

kan adicha lovessu
kai thattina noissu
started my blogssu
adhula varum rousu kanna rousu

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sorry frenz, this is sometime for which im not able to find an explanation for myself. So i know that im relieving half a dozen of my friends from wasting time in my blog. Anyway dont worry, this is jus a break and i assure that i wil be right back to break all ur geek heads after sometime once my task is over. Hoping that to get over soon, im signing off this session for quite sometime...

Dont ask me what's my work, becoz i will surely reply u, but im sayin so because the reply i give may be irksome or irkmany lol....

Some saying which i came across recently is for ur notice

Life may shovel dirt on you, al kinds of dirt. But the aim is not to get bogged down by those, but instead....SHAKE IT OFF and TAKE A STEP UP!!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Rousu Continuessu
Computerr'la irukardhu mousu
Adhula irukardho naraya buttonsu
Hero'kku irukardhu naraya fansu
Avanga thedardho heroine'ssu
Vellaila mokka podardhu bossu
Adha kashtapattu kaekardhu workerssu
Vanathulla irukardhu starssu
Adha paakarthukku venum eyessu
Traffic rules'a madhikaadhadhu PTC bussu
Aanalum adhula yaeruvaanga passengerssu
Idhu mudiyidhu'nnu sonna avan dubukkssu
Idha edhirpaarunga'na sonna adhu budaakkssu
Idha padikarthukku podhum 5 nimitssu
Idhellam verum oru tamassu kanna tamassu...